Farewell Brunch at Third Wave Coffee Roasters

While I’m very picky about the places that I want to eat at, and usually have the final say whenever I’m going out with friends and family, this time I wanted my dear colleague Brunda to choose the place for a quick brunch! Well, those who know me personally would gasp on reading this, but it was worth it because it was my friend’s last day at work.

So after a short exchange of “you decide the place” and “no, you tell me” between us, we finally landed up in Third Wave Coffee Roasters, a cafe about 500 metres away from our office.

Though this was not the first time I was visiting the place (the prior two times being for official meetings and discussions about business proposals), I had not got a chance to taste the food here. Therefore, this time my entire focus was on exploring the food menu, and having candid conversations with Bru (oh, that’s what we lovingly call Brunda).

Third Wave Coffee Roasters is centrally located in Koramangala, on the first floor of a stand alone building, and is quite a peaceful place. It is considered to be one of the best cafes in the area to meet your clients or friends for a quick catchup over coffee, and thus one would usually find the the air conditioned section filled up during most of the hours of the day. We however, chose to sit in the balcony section that overlooks the main road. The cafe is a self-service sort of place, where you have to walk up to the counter to place your order, but the waiter serves the food at your table.

The menu consists of European breakfast items, salads, baked items, and beverages. Brunda ordered a Classic Egg Bagel Sandwich, and I chose to go for a Grilled Chicken Panini. While ordering the food, more than the chicken sandwich I was excited about the potato fries that would be arriving in the platter (yes, this couch potato is a serious potato lover <3!). For drinks, I chose to go by Bru’s suggestion and we placed an order for two cups of hot chocolate (yes, quite surprisingly not coffee, for which the place is well known ;)).

Classic Egg Bagel & Hot Chocolate

The Classic Egg Bagel Sandwich is a New York styled bagel, containing a fried egg white, freshly chopped red onion, tomato and bell pepper, and is served with sriracha mayo and tomato sauce. The Grilled Chicken Panini is a beautifully grilled sandwich (I fell in love with the it at the very first sight), that is first layered with sriracha mayo, and then stuffed with marinated and grilled tiny but innumerable cubes of chicken, chopped red onion and bell pepper. The chicken sandwich is served along with minty mayo dip, tomato sauce, and not to forget the potato fries :P. I am not fond of coffee, and have never bought a chance to sip the beverage with those beautiful patterns floating on its frothy surface. So when the cups of hot chocolate were brought to our table, I was pleasantly surprised, and secretly excited. Guess why? Yeah, you got it right — the so very publicised lattee art was on our cups of hot chocolate. 😀

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Grilled Chicken Panini Platter (with potato fries ;))

Once the food was at the table, our discussions gained moment, and so did our mouths, since both of us were really hungry. In fact, I was in such a hurry to take a bite that I had almost forgotten to take pictures of the platters. Thanks to Brunda, who remembered about my blog and took some quick clicks, before getting busy with her food.

I had thought that a single piece of sandwich (that was cut into two, as you can see in the image) would not be able to satiate my hunger pangs, but it was not long before I got a reality check. I was only halfway through my grilled chicken sandwich, when I had started to feel full.  What came to my rescue and helped me down the other piece of the panini was the cup of soothing hot chocolate, and our long conversation <3.

And that’s how the long, heavy brunch came to an end.  This was in fact, our first outing together, and I’m glad that it happened over “good shit” (a phrase that Brunda has been using lately to describe good food). 😀

P.S. Given the quality & quantity of the food served, I personally felt that Third Wave Coffee Roasters is a decently priced cafe — 2 cups of hot chocolate, a Classic Egg Bagel & a Grilled Chicken Panini along with the taxes amounted to 735INR only.


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